Friday, May 31, 2013

Crazy Love by Francis Chan - Chapter 10: The crux of the matter

Chapter 10: The crux of the matter

"How we live our days is how we live our lives." - Annie Dillard.

Francis explains that he wrote this book because often our talk doesn't match our lives. I know I don't always walk the talk. We all fail. However, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can live victorious lives. Lives that continually grow closer to God. Lives that continually point others to Christ. After all, what can be more important than that? If my life is snap of the fingers compared to eternity, shouldn't I be planning for that eternity? Shouldn't I be making the most of my days here knowing that at any time I could die and meet the Lord? If so, what can I do to make my talk match my walk?

If I had to boil this book down to a phrase it would be "God's love for us is so crazy, shouldn't our response be just as crazy?" What phrase comes to mind as you boil down this book?

Pursuing Christ takes deliberate pursuit and attentiveness. It takes energy, effort. It takes me getting up off the couch and grabbing a bible to read. It takes me getting involved in my church. It takes me finding opportunities to serve others. What one thing will you try to apply to your life and change to better serve God and others?

Switchfoot wrote a song called "Burn Out Bright." It makes me think of finishing the race strong, or in football, "leaving it all on the field." In five years, what would you like to see in your life?

I hope you enjoyed this challenging book like I did. God bless you and may God draw you closer to Himself and use you to bless others.

Summary Questions:
  • What can I do to make my talk match my walk?
  • What phrase comes to mind as you boil down this book?
  • What one thing will you try to apply to your life and change to better serve God and others?
  •  In five years, what would you like to see in your life?

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